Why choose Ave?

When you order an Ave leotard, that’s when we begin making it. You can ask us for a different sleeve length, a different color of mid-band, whatever you need. It doesn’t cost you any extra surprise fees to get exactly the leotard you want.

When your suit is ready for dancing, one of the seasoned dancers at our end hand-stitches in a “merde” – a small luck token. It might be a bead, a tiny gilt button, or a jewel…..something that has been onstage and knows the ropes. It’s there to remind you that you are brave and extraordinary just for trying, and that someone who loves the art as much as you do is wishing you well.

About Ave Rehearsalwear:

We found our name Ave in the Latin word for “hail” - as in Ave Caesar, or Ave Maria. We mean it as a salute to your passion, strength, and joy as dancers.

Ave Rehearsalwear makes leotards to support your work: lovely ones, daring ones, dancewear to make you smile. It also fits brilliantly. We use a gorgeous assortment of comfortable fabrics, because it’s important to present yourself beautifully and feel great while you are pushing your limits.

Don’t hesitate to email us your thoughts, ideas, and questions, so we know better what you need and like. We will continually be adding to and improving upon our website, so check back for new designs. Most of all, thank-you for your passion. You make the world brighter.

Most sincerely,

Your Admirers at Ave

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